Traveling While Black
Check out MY FIRST EDITORIAL FEATURE in TONL, a diverse stock photography company that aims to add color and perspective to an overly white industry with rich and vibrant pictures of people of color, and written narratives to match. I wrote a think piece about my experiences Traveling While Black in America, and how I maintain my authenticity, my Blackness, and my dignity, while traveling throughout the US.
#TravelTalk Time
It might be time for us to finally leave America! Join me with @BeingBlackIn, a community dedicated to sharing experiences from Black travelers overseas or a candid conversation about being Black overseas this Thursday, November 5 at 6pm on IG Live!
Black in Sedona
I went to Sedona for the first time this year and I FELL IN LOVE. From the hikes to the scenic views, I had a great time. Checkout this post to hear about my experiences as a Black person in Sedona

i drove 3,500 miles by myself!
this summer I took a 3,500 mile roadtrip through America’s Southwestern States all by myself. Check out this post to see why you should consider planning a solo road trip too!

Balancing a Career #whileTraveling
Damn Naa Adei. How tf do you travel so much?!? Don’t worry ya’ll. I’m about to put you on game! Check out my IG Live conversation on with Kalyn from Weight Loss Travel Gains #whileTraveling series where I discuss how I Balance a Career #whileTraveling. Click here to check it out!
never miss a post!
Need recs on where to find dope Black Owned Restaurants overseas? Check out these posts!
Looking for itineraries or a step by step list of what to do when you’re abroad? Then check out these spots
AirBnb? Hostel? Five Star Hotel? Don’t worry! I lodging recs for you!
do you want to know ins and outs of becoming a dual Ghana/US citizen? Just check out this post, and my latest YouTube Video to hear more about my journey.